米国盤『ミラベルと魔法だらけの家 』2022年2月8日リリース
ディズニーから、最新ミュージカル・ファンタジー・アニメーション『ミラベルと魔法だらけの家』の4K UHD BLU-RAYリリース・アナンスが届きました。UHD BLU-RAYのみドルビーアトモス・サウンドトラック採用。また同じくUHD BLU-RAYのみ日本語字幕&吹替音声収録予定となっています。
撮影監督は『塔の上のラプンツェル』『アナと雪の女王』のアレッサンドロ・ジャコミニ(ライティング)、『ズートピア』『シュガー・ラッシュ オンライン』のネイサン・ワーナー(レイアウト)。オリジナル楽曲を手掛けるのは『モアナと伝説の海』『イン・ザ・ハイツ』のリン=マヌエル・ミランダ。サウンドデザインは『アベンジャーズ/エンドゲーム 』『ラーヤと龍の王国 』のニア・ハンセン。4K DSM(デジタルソースマスター)からのUHD BLU-RAY化。
- Sing Along with the Movie – Sing along with your favorite songs with on-screen lyrics as you watch the movie.
- Familia Lo Es Todo – Members of the Disney Animation "Familia" cultural trust share real-life experiences in this exploration of the lovable Madrigal family members. We learn what inspired each character, and about how the artists' designs bring realism to their personalities.
- Discover Colombia – The filmmaking team discusses how the multiple cultures, biodiversity and vibrant colors of Colombia are expressed in Encanto. They describe how satisfying it was to fully celebrate this beautiful country and support the theme of magical realism.
- A Journey Through Music – The filmmakers invite us to discover how each character came to be represented musically. We follow the creation of Encanto's Colombian-inspired music, featuring Lin-Manuel Miranda's songs and Germaine Franco's score, from concept to final recording.
- Let's Talk About Bruno – Learn how the song "We Don't Talk About Bruno," with its intriguing undertones, was created. Discover the extensive collaboration between Lin-Manuel Miranda, choreographer Jamal Sims, the voice cast and animators in bringing it to the screen.
- Our Casita – La Casa Madrigal is alive with magic, and its emotional state is affected by other family members. From its colorful doors to its fine stonework, the magical house was designed using principles of Colombian tradition.
- Outtakes – From the thrill of "nailing" a take in the presence of an entertainment industry icon to the hilarity of losing a wrestling match with tongue-twisting dialogue, join the cast for some good-natured fun from behind the microphone.
- Journey to Colombia – With the help of the Colombian Cultural Trust, a dedicated team of consultants, the filmmakers of Encanto embark on a journey of discovery to learn more about Colombia and how best to reflect the country's cultures and environments on the big screen.
- An Introduction to Far From the Tree – Writer and director Natalie Nourigat introduces the Walt Disney Animation Studios short film Far From the Tree.
- Far From the Tree – Parenting is hard, especially when curiosity tugs at a young raccoon whose parent tries to keep them both safe. In the Walt Disney Animation Studios short Far From the Tree, this youngster learns to live with an open heart… even as danger lurks.
- Deleted Scenes
- Introduction – Heads of Story Jason Hand and Nancy Kruse present four scenes not seen in the film's release, but were part of the journey toward the final version of the story.
- Chores! – Abuela has sent most of the family to town on various assignments that bring them acclaim, while Mirabel, her father and uncle are asked to clean the house.
- Another Way In – Mirabel attempts to understand a clue found in her uncle's vision. To make this happen, she must go through Antonio's room, where adventures unfold.
- Isabela Goes Into the Woods – When Mirabel sees her sister head for apparent danger in the woods, she races to save her, and encounters the surprise of a lifetime!
- Back to the Mural – Feeling rejected, Mirabel goes back to town. Abuela seeks her out and reveals a part of her personality that her granddaughter has never seen.
- Song Selection – Jump to your favorite musical moments, with on-screen lyrics.
- The Family Madrigal
- Colombia, Mi Encanto
- Waiting on a Miracle
- Surface Pressure
- We Don't Talk About Bruno
- What Else Can I Do
- Dos Oruguitas
- All of You
- 4K UHD BLU-RAY: Optional English SDH, Japanese, Spanish, French subtitles for the main feature
- BLU-RAY: English SDH, Spanish, French subtitles for the main feature
Title | ENCANTO |
Released | Feb 08, 2022 (from Disney / Buena Vista) |
SRP | $39.99 |
Run Time | 99min |
Codec | HEVC / H.265 (Resolution: 4K / HDR10) |
Aspect Ratio | 1.85:1 |
Audio Formats | English Dolby Atmos (48kHz / 24bit / Dolby TrueHD 7.1 compatible), Japanese 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus(UHD only), Spanish 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus, French 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus, English 7.1.4 Dolby Atmos, English AD 2.0 Dolby Digital ※other format(s) TBA |
Subtitles | English SDH, Japanese(UHD only), Spanish, French ※other subtitle(s) TBA |
タイトル | ミラベルと魔法だらけの家 |
年 | 2021 |
監督 | バイロン・ハワード, ジャレド・ブッシュ |
製作 | クラーク・スペンサー, イヴェット・メリノ |
製作総指揮 | ジェニファー・リー |
脚本 | シャリース・カストロ・スミス, ジャレド・ブッシュ |
撮影 | アレッサンドロ・ジャコミニ, ネイサン・ワーナー |
音楽 | ジャーメイン・フランコ, 《オリジナルソング》リン=マヌエル・ミランダ |
出演 | 《声の出演》ステファニー・ベアトリス, ジョン・レグイザモ, マリア・セシリア・ボテーロ, ダイアン・ゲレーロ, ジェシカ・ダロウ, アンジー・セペダ, ウィルマー・バルデラマ, 《声の出演:吹替》 斎藤瑠希, 中井和哉, 中尾ミエ, 平野綾, ゆめっち, 冬馬由美, 関智一 |